Guest Posting Policy

Guest Posting Policies

The United Family Lawn Care accepts guest posts for publication; however, please note that all guest post content must meet the editorial vision of United Family Lawn Care’s missions, beliefs, and systems as well as suit the interests of our diverse audience.

Please review the information below to find out whether your idea for a guest post would be a good fit for United Family Lawn Care and how to submit your idea.

General Editorial Guidelines

  • Guest posts must have a direct and relevant connection to . We are currently accepting posts from people with PROPER education and experience with our target niches listed in the ‘Guest Post for Us’ submission page.
  • Guest posts should inform and empower readers. Posts should have a relevant message for the audience.
  • Guest posts must be original content and have not been published elsewhere; now, in the past, or in the future.
  • Guest posts are not a forum to promote books, videos, products, events, services, or businesses.
  • Guest posts should be between 1000 and 3000 words.
  • We will not publish and/or will remove any post or comment on a post in which you pretend to be someone else; misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; or upload, post, or transmit content that is:
    • Inaccurate, harmful, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, racist, violent, offensive, or harassing;
    • Otherwise objectionable to any users of the website;
    • Violates or infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights; or
    • Inconsistent with any of the other policies, terms and conditions of
  • Once published, the article right belong solely to

Submitting a Guest Post Proposal

  • If you feel your idea for a guest post would be a good fit for the, send an email to Include a brief description of the post you would like to create, your full name, and any related organizations/associations/projects with which you are affiliated if applicable.
  • A member of our editorial team will contact you within 10 business days to let you know if your post idea has been accepted for development. You will be given sufficient time to write your post.
  • Guest posts will be edited for content and clarity by you but our team reserve the right to make small tweaks or adjustments as needed. Additional review will be done if it is determined to be necessary.
  • Should we need to make changes, Guest post authors will have the opportunity to review the edited version before publication.
  • We do not publish guest posts without the approval of the guest author. We reserve the right to reject any post at any time.
  • Guest posters should submit a digital photo of themselves with their finished draft.

These guest posting policies can be modified or amended at any time at the discretion of the United Family Lawn Care management team, with or without notice. See’s full Terms of Use for additional information.